Week 4 included lots of fun and dirty adventures such as repelling up and down dirt mountains, tiptoeing across a rope bridge with a lit match, eating yucky things as a team, and uncovering a hidden treasure. The morning adventurers took a trip down to the pit in which they were challenged to climb the slippery dirt hill, tie a rope up top, and get all their teammates AND staff members up within a certain amount of time. The Rangers even took their morning as an opportunity to get wet and splash around in the water! When the afternoon crew arrived, we got straight to work heading down to the Henrock Bridge to start our first challenge of the afternoon. This included walking across a rope bridge, strung across two trees and stretching the length of the river. While attempting to walk across without touching the ground, each team of two campers had to keep a lit flame in their hand all the way across and touch the tree on the other side to succeed. After every team completed this, they had their shoes tied together with zip ties and raced up to the cabin for their next challenge. For this, they had to eat a whole raw onion, whole raw potato, whole lemon (with peel) and whole banana (with peel) as a team. Each camper had to participate, eating a piece of each fruit/vegetable to earn their reward- the key to a treasure box. While this was probably the least-liked activity of the day, it was lots of fun to watch their friends struggle to get through everything! The adventurers were led down to The Ruins where they located a mysterious treasure box strung up high in the trees. By using the key they earned from the previous activity, they were able to unlock the chest and bring it down to see what treasures hid inside. When looking inside, the adventurers discovered a mysterious note directing them back up to the lodge where they would win their prize- freezies! While the older kids did this, the Sparrows were taken on a quest through the woods to find many different and weird items that were needed for them to create a magic potion. They all did very well and made great potions that are sure to make their wishes come true! To end off the day we all enjoyed freezies and free time before getting picked up. Week 4 was lots of fun and we cannot wait for Week 5 to arrive! Yours in adventure, Nathan, Jesse, Brooklyn, Ashlyn, Sophie, and Carrie
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Hello again Adventurers! Week 3 found our campers taking a long (and wet!) trip to Fortune Front Beach, fishing in the Beaver Pond, Crawling through a scary tunnel, and doing lots of activities and challenges along the way. The morning groups started off by heading down through the forest to our Beaver Pond (some may remember this place from week one!) There our adventurers caught fish, frogs, worms, and got extra muddy! By the time we had finished there, it was time for an early lunch at 11:30 in order to make it to Fortune Beach on time. The morning adventurers were then led crawling through a dark, small, wet, and terrifying tunnel! Our afternoon and morning groups met at the Fortune School at about 1:00, and from there we were ready for our Jungle Run. The adventure started with a short trek through the woods which came out onto the far side of Fortune Beach, where we could see our destination in the far distance. While the hike was going to be long, that was not the hardest part. Each group had to carry/roll a yoga ball all the way across the rocks, water, and beach without popping it. Along the way we trudged through the sand, jumped around rocks, and waded through swampy water. Our first checkpoint was at a lovely green grass hill where all the campers posed for a group photo. As we continued our long hike, we encountered lots of seals, bottles, and fun!! By the time our 6K Jungle Run ended at Fortune Front Beach, both campers and adventure staff were ready to jump in the water and splash around to have a cool off. While at the beach, we experimented with making fires and digging trenches, courtesy of Nathan. Overall, Week 3 was wet, sandy, muddy, and dirty, but most of all it was fun.
We are looking forward to Week 4, and can’t wait to see you there! Yours in adventure, Nathan, Brooklyn, Ashlyn, Carrie, Sophie and Jesse Hello Adventurers! Week 2 had everyone competing in mini challenges in order to win a marble that they could later use in an auction. We had hand-stand competitions, rope-wall races, and many more challenges for each team or individual to win a marble. After all the marbles had been earned, we all gathered in front of the lodge for a marble auction. The prizes? Eggs of course! Each player or team had to be careful not to get "ripped off", and to get a good price for their eggs. The team with the most eggs at the end would have the bigger advantage, so it was VERY intense ordeal. Once every egg had been purchased, it was time to put them in danger. Each team was equipped with enough black PVC pipes for each team member, socks, and a milkcrate. With these strange objects, each team had to connect their pipes in such a way that their eggs could travel through them and land in a milkcrate filled with socks to break the egg's landing. Only the person dropping the eggs into the pipes could touch the eggs. If an egg broke, you immediately were slimed with the yolky innards! This lead to some very careful travel for the precious cargo. After all their eggs were in the crate, they took them (and the socks) and raced down to Charley's Bridge where their next surprise awaited them. They had been given a jug of flour, paint, and molasses in order to make slime. They poured everything into a large bucket, added some water, and voila! Slime! This was to be used to create flourhawks, which are just socks filled with flour-slime. So, we all filled as many socks as we could with the gooey mixture in order to prepare for our upcoming battle. Once each sock was filled, we all trekked through the woods until we reached the back of the potato field. This is where our egg-scramble battle would take place. Each team would have to decide how many eggs they wanted to wager. Then, they placed them and all of the flourhawks in the middle of the playing field. Once they were back behind their starting lines, we all had to wait for the "go" and then everyone raced to the middle to fight for the eggs. Once you got an egg, you could either smash it on an opponent or take it back to your side for a point. Also, you could use the flourhawks to hit and slime the other players. The only catch? We were only allowed to crawl! This + the slime and the eggs caused some pretty messy campers. No one was afraid of getting slimed, and everyone competed fiercely. Looking forward to Week 3, and we can’t wait to see you there!
Yours in adventure, Nathan, Brooklyn, Ashlyn, Carrie, Sophie and Jesse Hello Adventurers! Week 1 had us trekking through the woods to find compass pieces that were needed to spell out their next clue. We followed paths, jumped over fallen trees and occasionally waded through water until all eight pieces were discovered. Once all the clues were found, it was obstacle course time. The Ravens were split into two teams to compete against each other, while the Falcons, Coyotes, and Rangers were aiming for speed. Each team then explored the woods in order to find somewhere to fill their milk jugs up with water. No one was afraid to get wet, and some even jumped right in the stream in order to fill them up. When all the jugs were filled, each person picked a obstacle in the course that they wanted to tackle. Then, like a game of telephone, the water-filled milk jugs were passed along person to person as they completed their obstacle. On Wednesday, the Falcons opted for speed, while the Coyotes on Thursday focused on not spilling any water from their jugs. Each team went through the course like pros and used great teamwork the entire time. Next was the climbing wall. The rules were simple; touch the top first and you get to paint a kitty-cat face on the loser's face. Two at a time, the racers started at the bottom of the rope wall, waiting for the signal to start. The competition was fierce, and before you knew it, nearly everyone had whiskers and a nose painted on their face. In the Falcons group, Tenly dominated and remained undefeated. Kennedy of the Ravens had the opposite fate, and was running out of places on her face to paint. The battles were so close that the Coyotes even had a photo finish one round! After that, the groups were each given a clue to head down the West Wood path towards Beaver Creek. Everyone zigged and zagged throughout the woods in search of the right path. They crossed Charley's bridge, ran through the meadow and slid down muddy hills until they finally reached their destination. Once at the creek, the next challenge began. The objective was to get as many people from one side of the water to the other without getting them wet. The Ravens tried using rope to carry someone across, while the Falcons tried the piggy-back approach. No matter what they tried however, everyone was full of mud. No one was afraid to get down and dirty, and even after their attempt to get across the water clean had failed, they would stay and splash around in the muck. The Ravens set the bar high at the start of the week for most points, leaving the rest of the groups to play catch up. Once everyone was sufficiently muddy, the final clue, "Follow The Stream", was given. Each team then had to locate the stream and follow it to their end destination. They waded through grass that was taller than them, and leaped over rocks on the way there. Finally they arrived at the swimming hole where one last challenge awaited them. Each member had to get in the water and unearth buckets that were buried deep down in the mud. Once the buckets were located, they drug them to the shore where they could open them to see the treasure inside. It was t-shirts! Each adventurer got a brand new camp shirt that is perfect for getting dirty and having fun. After the shirts were found, the Falcons and Coyotes each had a biggest splash competition. Lots of cannon balls and belly-flops were made and some record-setting splashes also occurred. Looking forward to Week 2, and we can’t wait to see you there! Yours in adventure, Nathan, Brooklyn, Ashlyn, Carrie, Sophie and Jesse |